Google Maps Addon

This addon adds the ability to utilize the Google Maps API with Open-Realty. It requires the latitude and longitude information for each property's location to be stored in the database. Most of the features used can be adjusted using the administrator control panel.

This addon has been tested using Open-Realty 2.2.0 and mysql 4.1. It should work with Open-Realty 2.1, but it will not work with prior versions as it requires access to the global $jscript variable. It may be possible to use some of the functionality in previous versions of Open-Realty by setting the "popup" field to Yes, but this has not been tested.

The code in this addon borrows heavily from the Open-Realty source, so some portions of this addon were authored by Ryan C. Bonham (and possibly others), and as such are copyrighted by Transparent Technologies.

All other code in this addon was authored by Jonathan Geist, and is copyrighted as such. Permission is hereby given to use and modify this code in any manner, provided such code retains this copyright notice and is released freely.

Please send any bug reports to Jonathan Geist <jgeist AT homereplay DOT com>

To Install:

1. Unzip the archive containing these files in your Open-Realty addons/ folder.

2. Using the administrator control panel, set the api key and adjust any other settings as desired.

3. Edit your template's listing_detail page (for example, template/vertical-menu/listing_detail_default.html) and replace the {link_map} tag with {addon_googlemap_link}.

4. If they aren't already stored, enter latitude and longitude information for the properties in your Open-Realty database. If a listing does not have latitude or longitude information stored, this addon should fail gracefully and use Open-Realty's default map link.


This addon requires latitude and longitude information for the properties to work properly. If your map is the same as the one that came with Open-Realty (i.e, no icons or pop-up info bubbles), it is most likely because the "latitude" and "longitude" fields are not properly set.

This addon also requires that you have your own Google Maps API key. It's free - go the the Google Maps website and sign up for one if you don't have one.


This addon only has one tag: {addon_googlemap_link}. Place it in any listing page (i.e., any page where listingID is set in the url).


Please see the FAQ


Some elements of the Google Maps API (especially version 2) are still beta code, and occasionally do not perform as anticipated. For example, at this time, control padding and placement does not seem to be working 100%. Also, there have been reports of the map data being slightly different from version 1 to version 2 (i.e., different locations for the same coordinates).

This addon is not multi-lingual. Anyone who wants to translate it to another language is more than welcome to do so, and I would be happy to put all translations sent to me into a future version of the addon.

This addon is copyrighted by Jonathan Geist 2006. All rights reserved except where otherwise stated above.


This addon does access your Open-Realty database, and adds tables and inserts fields in existing tables when it installs. BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST! I assume absolutely no responsibility for any data loss or any other injury that may result from installing this addon, and specifically disclaim ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.